Holidaying in Devon, the Lake District or Cornwall means you can expect a call whereas very few bosses would disturb a holiday in New Zealand, the Caribbean or Thailand.
你要是在德文郡、湖区或康沃尔郡旅行的话,你就等着老板打你电话吧。 但如果你跑到了新西兰、加勒比海岛或泰国,那么一般来说老板就不会打扰你的假期。
Usually, the West Country is a relatively quiet area for us -but over the last 3 days we have received over 900 new members from Cornwall, Devon and Dorset.
Usually, the West Country is a relatively quiet area for us - but over the last 3 days we have received over 900 new members from Cornwall, Devon and Dorset.